• Hi Vijay

    I've tried a few options on this one, and the only one that works is to create a temp table with the Numeric values (Excluding any alpha), then select from the temp table to get the required values.

    The execution plan is always converting the query to a single table scan & outputting LineItemValue, so that's why it fails.

    Why it's doing that & how to stop it, I don't know.

    Examples: (which have the same problem)

    SELECT BatchFileId, Num1



    SELECT BatchFileId,

    CAST(LineItemValue AS NUMERIC(28,5)) as Num1

    FROM MyTable

    WHERE LineItemValue NOT LIKE '%E%'

    ) X

    WHERE Num1=1234.5670

    SELECT T.BatchFileId,


    FROM MyTable T

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST(T.LineItemValue AS NUMERIC(28,5)) as Num1

    WHERE T.LineItemValue NOT LIKE '%E%') X

    WHERE ISNUMERIC(X.Num1)=1 AND X.Num1=1234.5670

    Maybe someone else knows what's happening & how to fix it?:ermm: