• Stamey (7/20/2012)

    The waits I have are PageIOLatch_SH and CXPacket, on multiple instances of the command "DBCC Table Check". DM_Exec_Requests show the extact query is being: "DECLARE @BlobEater VARBINARY(8000) SELECT @BlobEater = CheckIndex(FactKeyA + FactKeyB + Facts) FROM { IRowset 0x08E1221F } GROUP BY FactKeyA >> WITH ORDER BY FactKeyA, FactKeyB OPTION(ORDER GROUP)".

    This is Enterprise Edition.

    When I said it hangs, I mean that if i exec it interactively I runs but never shows informational messages of what table it has checked, allocation info, like you would normally see as CheckDB works its way through DB. My automated job has switches set in the command to not show informational messages, so I don't expect them there. I noticed it ran for several hours, and the log file the job generates stopped at this DB, so I ran CheckDB interactively to see if I could see a problem.

    I do not know if this DB has ever had a clean DBCC check. As I said, I inherited this and am instituting regular maintenance, which was not done by my predecessors.



    How to tell if data purity checks will be run?

    DBCC TRACEON (3604);


    DBCC DBINFO ('DemoCorruptMetadata');



    DBINFO @0x6855EF64

    dbi_dbid = 7 dbi_status = 16 dbi_nextid = 2089058478

    dbi_dbname = DemoCorruptMetadata dbi_maxDbTimestamp = 100 dbi_version = 611

    dbi_createVersion = 539 dbi_ESVersion = 0

    dbi_nextseqnum = 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 dbi_crdate = 2009-06-17 15:14:49.490

    dbi_filegeneration = 0


    m_fSeqNo = 10 m_blockOffset = 303 m_slotId = 1

    dbi_RebuildLogs = 0 dbi_dbccFlags = 0

    dbi_dbccLastKnownGood = 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000



    If dbi_dbccFlags = 1 then it has never run clean.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.