• nice first post, you provided quite a bit of info.

    my first point, is in the future, if you can provide your data as CREATE TABLE / INSERT INTO statements like this, anyone can easily see your data and provide test scripts for you:

    drop table tblEmployees

    drop table tblCategories

    CREATE TABLE tblCategories(CategoryID[INT],CategoryName[VARCHAR](30))

    CREATE TABLE tblEmployees(EmployeeID[INT],EmployeeName[VARCHAR](30),CategoryIDs[VARCHAR](30))

    INSERT INTO tblCategories( CategoryID,CategoryName)



    SELECT '3','CCC'

    INSERT INTO tblEmployees(EmployeeID,EmployeeName,CategoryIDs)

    SELECT '1','XXX','1,3' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','YYY','2,3' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3','ZZZ','1,2'

    Next, you want to avoid storing multiple values in a single column, otherwise you run into problems like you are having now.

    instead of having '1,2' as a varchar field in a row, you should have two rows in the table, both with foreign keys to the category instead.

    a work around for that is to use the DelimitedSpilt8K splitter function here on SSC:


    with that function, you can split that comma-delimited list into seperate rows (like they should have been)

    SELECT * FROM tblEmployees

    cross apply master.dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(CategoryIDs,',')

    then using those results as a sub query, you could join them on category:

    select * from tblCategories

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM tblEmployees

    cross apply master.dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(CategoryIDs,',')

    ) MyAlias

    On tblCategories.CategoryID = MyAlias.Item

    hope that helps get you started.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!