• I agree with Leo, the sysjobs and sysjobhistory tables can be quite useful. Here's a query I wrote which will return the average, max, min, range and standard deviation of step runs in milliseconds over the course of given date range for a given job. Very useful when determining which parts of a job are taking a long time.

    SELECTAVG(sjh.run_duration) AS avg_run_duration_ms,

    MAX(sjh.run_duration) AS max_run_duration_ms,

    MIN(sjh.run_duration) AS min_run_duration_ms,

    MAX(sjh.run_duration) - MIN(run_duration) AS range_run_duration_ms,

    ROUND(STDEV(sjh.run_duration),2) AS stdev_run_duration_ms,

    sjh.step_id, sjh.step_name

    FROMsysjobhistory sjh

    INNER JOIN sysjobs sj ON sjh.job_id = sj.job_id

    INNER JOIN SANDBOX.dbo.Numbers n ON sjh.step_id = n.Number

    WHERE sj.name = 'xxx' -- put job name here

    AND sjh.run_date BETWEEN 20120616 AND 20120716 -- put date range here

    AND step_id <> 0

    GROUP BY sjh.step_id, sjh.step_name

    ORDER BY step_id


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

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