• Evil Kraig F (7/12/2012)

    TeraByteMe (7/12/2012)

    Your a **** and you work in IT not surprising and DBA at that. Point made.

    You posted in a public place looking for an professional opinion. That you don't like it isn't my fault. I didn't feel like I was being that obnoxious but take is as you will. The trained monkey work can come off as pretty insulting but heck, that's what my job is half the time, and I call it that.

    What is up with your username Evil Kraig F?

    That's actually a joke, since you ask. Someone misspelled my name a few times while quoting me so I became my 'Evil Twin'. My real name is in my signature at all times, for reference.

    You obviously pride yourself on being a jerk off.

    Hunh. Interesting. I think you'd find a number of folks here who would argue otherwise, but again, that's perception. That I'm a "jerk off" is why I both volunteer my time here to help people and specifically wrote three articles to help people find and get work in this industry. Interesting conclusion.

    I wouldn't take you seriously for nothing and you certainly couldn't pay me enough money to work with the likes of you. Some people care about who they interact with because they have integrity.

    My integrity is in my work. It's accurate and it does what was required. It doesn't break laws (and I've had to fight a few managers on that one) and it's done in as timely a manner as possible. That you dislike the idea of working with me is your concern, not mine, unless it becomes an amazingly popular consensus, then I'll deal with it. Having to interact with, and dealing with, business politics is something I generally try to avoid, but it's something we all deal with. Integrity of work and person has little to do with the decisions, requirements, and politics behind project and departmental priorities, unless they're being made in the best interest of the person instead of the task/company. There just tends to be a lot of grey area in that which causes the politics.

    Your a waste on the human race.

    Now, that you probably won't get an argument from a few of my ex-gfs, but luckily my friends and family disagree with you, so I can live with it.

    How can you deny the blatant truth. You treated me like crab. Here is a saying that I think applies you very well.

    The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out. ~Thomas Babington Macaulay

    You have no investment in how you treat people you don't know, you certainly do with your friends and family. So they will see the fake good side of you. However, the real character of you shows in how you treat others in your living room armchair talk behind the Internet. I don't usually go out of my way to do a favor for someone as I am doing for you here. Your gut must be churning with hearing the truth. Maybe it will spark you to be a better person? But I will never get credit for it.

    A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. ~ Einstein
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