• Evil Kraig F (7/12/2012)

    TeraByteMe (7/12/2012)

    I have I think a unique experience with how many contracts/jobs I have had in the field the last 12 years. I have worked these positions:

    I haven't worked in the volume of different types of positions you have (mostly just SQL DBA/Dev), but the number of different positions is not out of my range.

    Now for what I really came to talk about. I have found and quit 10 positions in IT in the last 2 year period of time.

    That would usually ruin a reputation in consulting, particularly out here by me where the general pool just isn't that big.

    All I want to do is find a place where people are honest and forth right with no negative group political dynamics. I am starting to think it doesn't existing on this planet.

    Even if they do, they're not hiring very often, if ever. Those types of positions already have queue's of people they're waiting to hire when they get the chance, because they've done their research before hand.

    In general, though, if it was 'fun', you'd pay THEM, not the other way around. *shrugs* I work for money, not joy. Look hard enough and you can find a problem anywhere. I'm not saying you haven't ran into a bad run, but really, anyone who will hire someone with that career history that ISN'T a consultant (with a string of successful projects) really doesn't care WHO they hire, they just need to warm a chair.

    You want a place that cares? Your resume screams you don't, you wouldn't even get an interview with me unless I just needed a 'hit the ground running for a month' worth of trained monkey work.

    Your a dick and you work in IT not surprising and DBA at that. Point made. What is up with your username Evil Kraig F? You obviously pride yourself on being a jerk off. I wouldn't take you seriously for nothing and you certainly couldn't pay me enough money to work with the likes of you. Some people care about who they interact with because they have integrity. Your a waste on the human race.

    A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. ~ Einstein
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