• See if something like this is interesting to you. I get something like this, which should be easily parseable by PS:

    C:\>dsquery group domainroot -limit 2 | dsget group -members | dsget user -fn -ln -email -c

    Dsquery has reached the specified limit on number of results to display; use a different value for the -limit option to display more results

    . fn ln email

    Jane Doe jane.doe@domain.com

    John Doe john.doe@domain.com

    LastNameButNoFirstName LastNameButNoFirstName@domain.com

    dsget succeeded

    I limited the initial query to 2 so I would not bring by my entire directory.

    You can also add -L to the last dsget which may result in output that is easier to parse:

    C:\>dsquery group domainroot -limit 2 | dsget group -members | dsget user -fn -ln -email -c -L

    Dsquery has reached the specified limit on number of results to display; use a different value for the -limit option to display more results

    .fn: Jane

    ln: Doe

    email: jane.doe@domain.com

    fn: John

    ln: Doe

    email: jane.doe@domain.com


    ln: LastNameButNoFirstName

    email: LastNameButNoFirstName@domain.com

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.