• I completely disagree. If I know I want rows where the createdDate was between '2012-05-01 13:32:00.000' AND '2012-05-01 13:35:00.000' why on earth would I want to convert those to integers first? I don't believe there is any evidence that it would be faster to scan or seek based on an integer or bigint versus a datetime. Logically, it makes no sense to me and theoretically it makes no sense to me. Based on the way that SQL Server stores this information, I would prefer not to do the calculation first.

    I am not trying to say that int is faster than date or like that. It is simply to save the space both on table and any index. This doesnt matter on small table but when you are talking about the 500GB table then 4 extra bytes in a table also makes diff to the size of the table as well as index..

    There will be just two calculations based on start and end..


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