• Gail, totally sympathise there. For a long time I kind of steered clear of the temptation to answer the questions (or post anything).

    Then I did a few, to come only across one that was just a bit annoying. It wouldn't have been so annoying if I'd only just last month dealt with 4 "Oh, we don't bother to backup THOSE databases" databases (out of 30), on a newly inherited database server. OK, they were doing all the right things for the 2TB customer databases, and weren't doing anything with these 4 "small ones", but .. . It does happen, to quote my new boss "IT's IT sometimes **IT happens" (that was a comment in response to a windows server patch problem - not SQL Server).

    I never really posted much stuff for the same reason. Well that and I spent 5 years at an organisation that really looked dimly on anyone posting anything publicly. Or, having: facebook, or linked-in , or .. accounts :cool:.

    Sorry, I've now gone very off-topic. And, I think people like you, who put yourself out there amongst the flames, etc.., are very public spirited. So I'll stop whinging. Let's face it - would I have nit-picked if I'd clicked on the other button ?

    This DBA says - "It depends".