• sanujss (5/23/2012)


    I am working on a GPS related issue. There is a table where we keep geographical information of vehicles tracked using GPS devices. This devise will be sending data to the server every second. So we have a huge dump of data in the tables. There is a table for each day. Table structure is :

    TabsenPK Int

    DateTimestamp BigInt ( We keep in UTC format which is managed by JAVA)

    Longitude Decimal(16,9)

    Lattitude Decimal(16,9)

    Field1 Int

    Field2 Int

    Field3 Int

    Field4 Int ( Field1 to Field4 are used to keep few details )

    I need to delete all records from this table where DateTimeStamp is prior to a passed date. This will come to millions of records. What is the best method to delete this records with least performance impact ? How can I implement a batch based removal ?

    you can use the top clause in your delete statement


    delete TOP (1000) from mytable where x=y

    you can also loop that statement with a delay if you like

    declare @rc bigint=1

    while (@rc>0)


    delete top(100) from #x

    set @rc=@@ROWCOUNT

    waitfor delay '00:00:05'


    this might help you delete in batches , which would have less of a hit on transaction logs and avoid massive deletes that block users for hours on end

    you might have to try different quantities and different delays, but i usually find that there is a tipping point where the number of rows you delete causes the query to run way too long