• If your company doesn't have controls and your cowboy developers can run roughshod over the production environment, become a champion for controls and methods. Do it now.

    This makes me remember an interview I once had where the interviewer started out the interview with "All my developers have sysadmin access to the production environment, Do you have a problem with that?" My immediate return question was "Who restores the production database back to point in time if they screw it up. His answer was "Well..... the DBA, of course." That pretty much terminated the interview for me right there. You can champion all you want, but if management doesn't back your controls and methods, you are pretty much left in the ditch, and it is time to just move on. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"