• Hi,

    If your SQL Server is in full recovery model than you can recover it without backup.

    SQL server keeps the entry (Page # & file #) of the truncated records and those records, you can easily browse from the below query. Once you get the page ID & file ID , you can put it in the DBCC PAGE to retreive the complete record.

    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(Replace([Description],'Deallocated',''))) AS [PAGE ID] ,[Slot ID],[AllocUnitId] FROM sys.fn_dblog(NULL, NULL) WHERE AllocUnitId IN (Select [Allocation_unit_id] from sys.allocation_units allocunits INNER JOIN sys.partitions partitions ON (allocunits.type IN (1, 3) AND partitions.hobt_id = allocunits.container_id) OR (allocunits.type = 2 AND partitions.partition_id = allocunits.container_id) Where object_id=object_ID('' + 'dbo.Student' + '')) AND Operation IN ('LOP_MODIFY_ROW') AND [Context] IN ('LCX_PFS') AND Description Like '%Deallocated%'.

    Given below is the link of article that explains , how to recover truncated records from SQl server. http://raresql.com/2012/04/08/how-to-recover-truncated-data-from-sql-server-without-backup/
