• This article was called "Generating Test Data: Part 1 - Generating Random Integers and Floats" It should have been called "Generating Test Data: Part 1 - A Way Cool Compendium of Well Explained El Neato T-SQL Techniques"

    Just one minor gripe - not about the article - about us, the SQL Server community. I know times are tough but we should all be ashamed of ourselves for allowing a true luminary of the T-SQL world to slip into such penury that he is only able to afford the sort of machine that my kids wouldn't (well probably couldn't) watch YouTube on. What say we pass the hat around and get a natty 2006 machine off ebay for Jeff? Maybe we could start up a One Laptop Per MVP project.

    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell