• The procedure builds a dynamic SQL statement that UNIONs all the tables selecting all the columns that are present in all the tables.

    You can see the statement being run adding "PRINT @sql" right before "EXEC(@sql)".

    The statement runs in the moment you call it and does not affect the tables.

    If you prefer having a view, you could modify the procedure to update the view definition and invoke it when the tables change.

    CREATE PROCEDURE refresh_view_for_unioned_tables




    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);

    DECLARE @tables TABLE (

    table_id int PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED


    INSERT INTO @tables

    VALUES (OBJECT_ID('TableA')),





    SELECT @sql = STUFF((

    SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(name) AS [text()]

    FROM sys.columns

    WHERE object_id IN (

    SELECT table_id

    FROM @tables


    GROUP BY name

    HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @tables)

    FOR XML PATH('')


    SELECT @sql = STUFF((

    SELECT 'UNION ALL ' + char(10) + 'SELECT ' + @sql + ' FROM ' + name + CHAR(10) AS [text()]

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE object_id IN (

    SELECT table_id

    FROM @tables


    FOR XML PATH('')


    EXEC('IF OBJECT_ID(''unioned_tables'',''V'') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW unioned_tables;');

    SET @sql = 'CREATE VIEW unioned_tables AS ' + @sql;



    -- Gianluca Sartori