• L' Eomot Inversé (3/9/2012)

    Good straightforward question and answer.

    Easy for me, as it was from Hugo's first comment that I first discovered that people could have named constraints (instead of letting SQLServer generate the constraint names) on temporary tables, and that was sufficiently recent (just last November) for me not to have forgotten the shock (shock because I could see where it would probably lead and so immediately tested it, with a result that was confirmed by Hugo's second comment in that discussion).

    I also followed your path, especially since it was Hugo commenting on another QOD that I had published. The number of comments for that QOD was rather sparse and I felt that more people should be aware of the pitfalls of what at first appearence appears to be innocuous. Hence this QOD.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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