• Don't ask permission to utilize new technology...beg forgiveness.

    I worked for a particular company as a contractor that depended on C# classes to do imports. My project called for a new import to be built and decided to use SSIS instead of their preferred C# classes. It was a nice little package that looped through daily flat files exported to an FTP folder and then uploaded to the database. I did alot of research on jamie thompsons blog and anywhere else i could find the scoop on how to use SSIS and got the package done.(I was the first in the company to deploy an SSIS package so i had no internal help) I knew being a contractor for this company my days were numbered and i was learning THEIR processes and not much that would help me in my job search.

    I learned my way around BIDS pretty well from doing that one package and the experience helped me get my next gig.

    I had the package built and deployed before anyone higher up could ixnay my decision to use SSIS...by then it was too late 😛