• bitbucket-25253 (2/17/2012)

    SQL Kiwi (2/17/2012)

    Cliff Jones (2/17/2012)

    Interesting but I don't think I want my developers to discover the FORCESEEK hint.

    This is completely the wrong approach, in my opinion. I prefer to work with developers to share knowledge rather than hoping they stay in the dark. The most successful places I have worked have all had a healthy relationship between DBAs and developers, with regular sessions for each team to share ideas and techniques. I find that working positively with developers produces benefits for everyone.

    Bold set by this poster. Now most would say +1 but for what I would say to SQL Kiwi's post is

    + 100

    I have to say that I am in total agreement. It is far more beneficial to give people knowledge than to keep it from them as long as you teach them to use it properly. Meaning that using hints as a last resort.