• Hello All,

    I have a simple script that queries MSDB database sysjobs and sysjobhistory from a simple ASP page. Remove the appropriate quotes if you run it from query analyzer

    strSQL = "select " & _

           " job_name = Substring(sj.name,1,20)," & _

       " step_name = Substring (' '+sjh.step_name,1,30)," & _

              " sjh.run_status," & _

              " sjh.run_date," & _

              " sjh.run_time," & _

              " sjh.run_duration" & _

      " from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory sjh, msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj" & _

      " WHERE  (sj.job_id = sjh.job_id)" & _

     " and run_date >convert (int,(convert (char(8),getdate()-3,112)))" & _

     " ORDER BY run_date desc,run_time desc"

    My script connects in a loop to my several servers and gives me a table of job completions in my browser. You may write a simple VB script that does the same and schedule it. You can also use FileSystemObject to check what date and time the files in the backup directory are and alert you using email if the dates are incorrect.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha