• I've often played the "what if" game about winning the lottery. I've always figured what I would do is first take 1/2 of every check and put it in some sort of long term / low risk investment account.

    I'd keep working for my current employer, but I'd go to part-time, maybe work Tuesdays-Thursdays. Pay off my current house and buy a bigger house out in the country, then sell my current house to my Mom-In-Law for $1, create college fund accounts for my nieces and nephews, and help my Dad out financially. I'd also make the current owners of my Grandparents old house up north an "offer they can't refuse," 😎 and get that place back in the family.

    Once all that was set, then the wife and I would take 6 months off from work and go traveling.

    The wife has always wanted to open her own bookstore / comic shop, so I'd help her do this with the seed money for it. As for my spare time, I'd probably use it to keep improving myself, maybe do some charity work around the area. Maybe donate PCs to local charities to give to kids whose families can't afford them (maybe even start a charity to do that, cut a deal with a local cell provider to provide internet for these kids, too)