• worker bee (1/11/2012)

    This converted the date but now I need to count...


    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), UTCOccurrenceDateTime, 111)

    FROM Alerts

    WHERE (Heading LIKE 'Disk %') AND (Heading NOT LIKE 'Disk C%') AND (Value >= 95.00)

    AND (UTCOccurrenceDateTime >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0))

    GROUP BY Heading, Value, ServerName, UTCOccurrenceDateTime

    HAVING (COUNT(Heading) < 2500000)

    ORDER BY UTCOccurrenceDateTime, ServerName

    easy enough. Are you receiving errors or something? if so it would be wonderful of you to post them. Also, in the future, you should really try to be more descriptive in your problem, question, and desired result.


    count(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), UTCOccurrenceDateTime, 111)) as 'CountDate'

    FROM Alerts

    WHERE (Heading LIKE 'Disk %') AND (Heading NOT LIKE 'Disk C%') AND (Value >= 95.00)

    AND (UTCOccurrenceDateTime >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0))

    GROUP BY Heading, Value, ServerName, UTCOccurrenceDateTime

    HAVING (COUNT(Heading) < 2500000)

    ORDER BY UTCOccurrenceDateTime, ServerName