• Gianluca Sartori (1/11/2012)

    Maybe, indented properly it's less confusing: 😉

    WITH MeaningfulCTEName AS (

    SELECT c.owneridname as BSC,

    z.Tpl_TotalGWP as Total2012,

    a.tpl_traderref as TraderRef,

    a.name as CompanyName,

    LEFT(z.Tpl_Month, 4) AS Year,

    RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) AS Month,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.owneridname ORDER BY z.Tpl_TotalGWP DESC) AS rn

    FROM dbo.Tpl_zonegwp z

    INNER JOIN dbo.Account a

    ON z.Tpl_CompanyId = a.accountid

    INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c

    ON a.ownerid = c.ownerid


    SELECT CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear - 1 AS LastYear

    FROM (

    SELECT LEFT(MaxMonth, 4) AS CurrentYear, RIGHT(MaxMonth, 2) AS CurrentMonth

    FROM (

    SELECT MAX(Tpl_Month) AS MaxMonth

    FROM TowergateAgency_MSCRM.dbo.FilteredTpl_zonegwp AS Tpl_zonegwpExtensionBase_1

    ) AS MaxMonthQuery

    ) as MaxMonthQuery2

    ) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = b.currentYear

    AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth


    SELECT BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012

    FROM MeaningfulCTEName

    WHERE rn=1

    GROUP BY BSC,TraderRef,CompanyName,Total2012;

    Do yourself a favour: use meaningful aliases names in your queries. What does A mean to you?

    Could you post DDL (CREATE TABLE) statements for all the tables in the query, some sample data (INSERT statements with a few rows for each table) and the expected results based on your sample data?

    If in doubt, read the article linked in my signature line and find out how to post to get fast answers.

    maybe do another cte that is the same except for..

    --cte select sytax

    --from syntax and joins...

    --if b.currentYear is int datatype then

    ) AS b

    ON left(z.tpl_month,4) = (b.currentYear - 1)

    AND RIGHT(z.Tpl_Month, 2) <= b.CurrentMonth