• The lack of responses might also be an indicator that we don't have enough information yet.

    You're looking for a "resource group and associated teams" but neither is part of the xml structure you posted.

    Also, the xml is not really in a ready to use format. Xml data is better presented using the xml code tag.

    Your xml data would look like this:





    resource["Id"] == {005b7cce-de01-e011-a55b-0050569d00bf} ||

    resource["Id"] == {3dcbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {3fcbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {49cbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {4ccbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {4dcbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {4ecbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {4fcbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {53cbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {55cbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {5acbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5} ||

    resource["Id"] == {71cbc1d6-a3e1-df11-a501-00188b8b43b5}


    <Parameters><Parameter name="resource" />





    Based on those data, what would be your expected result?

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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