• I searched on google for "sql server convert sysjobschedules to datetime" and the very first hit has the following function.

    create FUNCTION [dbo].[udfGetDateTimeFromInteger]


    @intDate int,

    @intTime int


    RETURNS datetime


    -- Declare the return variable here

    DECLARE @DT_datetime datetime = NULL,

    @str_date varchar(11),

    @str_time varchar(8)

    if(@intDate is not null and @intDate > 0)


    select @str_date = CONVERT(varchar(11),@intDate)

    select @str_date = SUBSTRING(@str_date,1,4)+'/'+SUBSTRING(@str_date,5,2)+'/'+SUBSTRING(@str_date,7,2)

    if @intTime=0

    select @str_time ='000000'


    select @str_time = right('0'+CONVERT(varchar(11),@intTime),6)

    select @str_time = SUBSTRING(@str_time,1,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(@str_time,3,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(@str_time,5,2)

    select @DT_datetime = CAST(@str_date+' '+@str_time as datetime)


    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @DT_datetime


    Then to use it to get your time only i did this.

    SELECT next_run_date ,

    next_run_time ,

    convert(varchar, dbo.udfGetDateTimeFromInteger(next_run_date, next_run_time), 108)

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS s

    You can either use this function of roll it into your select (which might be a bit tricky). Your method does also work and is probably bit quicker, although unless you have a ton of sql jobs performance really isn't going to be much of a factor here.

    --edit-- fat fingers strike again. 😛


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