Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Backups Move from a multiple file database to single file with backup+restore RE: Move from a multiple file database to single file with backup+restore

  • Hi Guys,

    Mind if i jump in on this...its bit of a learning curve for and its a question for

    both of you and its sort of related and since you seem to be on the know on this.

    So bear with my ignorance

    All my experience to date has been on creating a database on a single

    primary group i.e single mdf and ldf. So its quite easy to move the database

    to a new server using backup/restore etc.

    taking your example :

    There is one primary filegroup.

    This contains:

    1 x MDF file

    6 x NDF files

    1 x LDF file

    Assuming they all exist on the same drive

    My question is :

    When you take a backup, i assume it backs up all the data from all the files

    into a single bak file and internally it must in some header logically store

    the file group information and which data lies on which file.

    If you wish to restore this database to another server

    Would have to re-create the database first with the exact structure before attempting

    the restore ? Or is it smart enough to work it all out and as long you have the same

    directory structure it will it do the business

    I suppose my question is what is the de-facto/best practice way of getting this database
