• I forgot to mention that we don't have any backups (Vendor just installed everything and I see where they created two maintenance plans 1. System DB backups which is working and 2. EMR DB backup which never ran successfully 🙁

    The LDF file was on D: Which is corrupt (we are sending it off to be un-corrupted)

    The MDF file is on G: which is accessible

    Being that there were no successful backups, wouldn't this mean that all transactions from the beginning are in the LDF and were never commited to the MDF? Please correct me if I am wrong.

    The present size of the MDF is 60GB (I'm guessing an inital data load?)

    Could I copy the MDF to another server and to a restore with ALLOW DATA LOSS (http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/paul/post/checkdb-from-every-angle-emergency-mode-repair-the-very-very-last-resort.aspx) in the meantime and repoint the app while we try and recover the LDF off the bad drive?