• "It confers the tactician the rationale to explode on a culprit after repeated offenses of an unknown expectation, conferring advantage and leverage in current and future negotiations."

    What?? I hope you are being ironic. Communication is a continual cycle of correction of meaning by all parties in the process. The best way for this to occur is via experiential listening and the use of plain English both parties can understand.

    In relation to above, I have no idea for sure what you are attempting to communicate, however I have several competing definitions of what I can only guess at. This lack of clarification IS what breeds anxiety and ultimately results in a lack of faith in the communication process. The process may be being used for something that is not in one of the parties best interests or to give the "win-win" situation.

    … let it be said I believe you are acting in good faith though (although I have no proof)
