• Thanks for a very interesting question.

    Got it right by a wrong assumption 🙂

    Figured that Latin1_General_100_CI_AS will always be the "first" and prevailing collation (and hence picked the only option having "C" as the first character).

    After answering, when running and playing with the code, I found that my assumption was wrong, because if the collations included e.g. Arabic_100_CI_AS, Czech_100_CI_AS or Danish_Greenlandic_100_CI_AS, the result(s) would have been different.

    You may find the following pages helpful for digging deeper into the matter:

    Collation Settings--check out the SQL LCID column (since noted in hex, any value lesser than 0x0409 will be listed before Latin1_General_100_CI_AS);

    Collation Names--which will list the most recent collation names (with the _100 designator in the name) along with the older equivalents (as used on the previously mentioned page; unless the collation got introduced with SQL 2008).