• Hello,

    Please, could you explain what you are meaning with scripts ? Are you using an application using SMO .dlls written in a language like VC# or VB ( 2008 or 2010 ) or if you are using Powershell ( more exactly sqlps.exe ) ?

    The compatibility with SQL Server 2000 is depending of the version of your SMO .dlls.

    2000 is supported by SMO 2005,2008,2008 R2 ( but a little advice , avoid 2005 which does not supports PowerShell and SMO 2005 is a little rotten )

    for 2008 R2 see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.compatibilitylevel(v=SQL.105).aspx

    But for SQL Server 2012 ( ex Denali ), according to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.compatibilitylevel(v=SQL.110).aspx , no SQL Server version former 2005 is supported, so no compatibility with SQL Server 2000

    So the compatibility is depending from the SQL Server SMO .dlls version

    Don't hesitate to post again for more help or explanations