• no recursion (L to R no precedence either) - needs a tally table - uses the split like logic:

    -- select dbo.fnSimpleMath( '3.5 * 2.2' ) , dbo.fnSimpleMath( '3 + 8' ) , dbo.fnSimpleMath( '5' ), dbo.fnSimpleMath( '3 / 4 + 3.2 ' ) , dbo.fnSimpleMath( '1/0' )

    alter function dbo.fnSimpleMath(@string varchar(max))

    returns numeric(18,6)

    as begin

    declare @math as table ( [sign] varchar(1), [orderby] int, addby numeric(18,6), subby numeric(18,6), multby numeric(18,6), divby numeric(18,6))

    insert into @math values





    declare @StringSep varchar(max) = replace(replace(replace(replace(@String, '+','|'), '-','|'), '/','|'), '*','|')+ '|'

    declare @result numeric(18,6) = 0


    @result = ((@result + data )* isnull(math.addby,1.0) )

    + ((@result - data )* isnull(math.subby,0) )

    + (@result * data * isnull(math.multby ,0) )

    + isnull((@result / nullif(data,0) * isnull(math.divby ,0) ),0)



    convert(numeric(18,6), SUBSTRING(@String, Numbers.N+1 ,CHARINDEX('|', @StringSep , Numbers.N+1) - Numbers.N-1)) as data

    ,SUBSTRING(@String, Numbers.N, 1) as symbol

    FROM dbo.Tally Numbers WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE Numbers.N <= LEN(@String)

    AND SUBSTRING('|'+@StringSep, Numbers.N+1, 1)='|'

    ) T

    left outer join @math math

    on math.sign = symbol

    return @result


    I really like the xml method stated above but am unable to get it to work dynamically without an error like The argument 1 of the XML data type method "query" must be a string literal.

    declare @string varchar(max) = '3.5 * 2.2'

    select convert(numeric(18,6),CONVERT(varchar(max), CONVERT(xml,'').query(@string)))