• In case anyone is interested I modified the script to be used for writing updates as well. It assumes that the fields which make up your primary key are the first X columns in the excel file. This is needed so they don't try to get updated, and so they appear in the where clause. It prompts for the number of unique columns. I'm sure some of my syntax can be cleaned up, this it my first time with VB.

    Sub CreateUpdateScript()

    Dim Row As Integer

    Dim Col As Integer

    'To store all the columns available in the current active sheet

    Dim ColNames(100) As String

    Col = 1

    Row = 1

    Dim ColCount As Integer

    ColCount = 0

    'Get Columns from the sheet

    Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Col) = "" 'Loop until you find a blank.

    ColNames(ColCount) = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Col)

    ColCount = ColCount + 1

    Col = Col + 1


    ColCount = ColCount - 1

    'Inputs for the starting and ending point for the rows

    Row = InputBox("Give the starting Row No.")

    Dim MaxRow As Integer

    MaxRow = InputBox("Give the Maximum Row No.")

    Dim keyCols As Integer

    keyCols = InputBox("Give the Number of unique id columns.")

    'File to save the generated insert statements

    File = "c:\\UpdateCode.txt"

    fHandle = FreeFile()

    Open File For Output As fHandle

    Dim CellColCount As Integer

    Dim StringStore As String

    Dim whereClause As String

    Do While Row <= MaxRow

    StringStore = ""

    whereClause = ""

    CellColCount = 0

    'ActiveSheet.Name will give the current active sheet name

    'this can be treated as table name in the database

    StringStore = StringStore + "update " + ActiveSheet.Name + " SET "

    Do While CellColCount <= ColCount

    If CellColCount>keyCols Then

    StringStore = StringStore + ColNames(CellColCount) + "= '" + CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, CellColCount + 1)) + "'"

    End If

    If CellColCount < keyCols-1 Then

    whereClause = whereClause + ColNames(CellColCount) + "= '" + CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, CellColCount + 1)) + "' AND "

    End If

    If CellColCount = keyCols-1 Then

    whereClause = whereClause + ColNames(CellColCount) + "= '" + CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, CellColCount + 1)) + "'"

    End If

    If (CellColCount <> ColCount) AND (cellColCount > keyCols) Then

    StringStore = StringStore + " , "

    End If

    CellColCount = CellColCount + 1


    Print #fHandle, StringStore + " WHERE " + whereClause

    Print #fHandle, " "

    Row = Row + 1


    Close #fHandle

    MsgBox ("Successfully Done")

    End Sub