• Could I ask one more question?

    I have about 10 SQL2000 servers. I have this working on about half of them now, but I ran into this.

    I have two SQL2000 servers, ServerA and ServerB.

    ServerA has under Enterprise management, both information from Server A and ServerB. On ServerB there is only information for


    I added SQL2005 server to the linked server in both ServerA and and ServerB. SQL 2005 shows up in the linked servers area of them both. I can actually see the tables and views in the linked servers area on both ServerA and ServerB (I have data access temporarily enabled for testing purposes.) But when I run query analyzer (the test query) on both ServerA and ServerB, it fails and returns this.

    Server: Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Line 1

    Could not find server 'Server_2005' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.

    But I did execute just like I did on the other servers and it shows up like the others.

    The 'failed backup' doesn't email me on these two servers as well. Do you or anyone else have any ideas on this? It would be appreciated.