• effwitt (11/7/2011)

    Steve, when you're appointed benevolent dictator or energy czar, the first thing that I’d ask you to do ban those lame flash-based facebook games. Even when my wife isn’t playing actively one of those games and barely anything is changing on the screen; both cores on her laptop are running at 100%. If you consider the number of people playing those games, the amount of energy wasted must be enormous.

    As punishment for this crime against humanity, I propose that the developers be sentenced to work in a large office building, be required to wear a suit and tie every day and be forced to write all of their code in COBOL.

    There's nothing wrong with COBOL. If it wasn't for COBOL and other early languages, no one would be writing T-SQL. I would like to write all of my code in COBOL, or RPG, or PL/I, or Pascal. We created very efficient and fast programs with these languages. Many of the programs are still in use today. I don't know that I'll be able to say the same thing about T-SQL, .NET, Java, and other newer languages in 30 or 40 years.