• in 2008 and above, i think the expectation is to start switching over to CLR;

    here's the CLR equivilent of xp_GetFileDetails:

    Imports System.Data.SqlClient

    Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server

    Imports System.IO

    Namespace Enterprise.SqlServer.Server

    Public Partial Class GetFileDetails

    <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _

    Public Shared Sub csp_getfiledetails(ByVal filePath As String)


    Dim fileProperties As New FileInfo(filePath)

    Dim colAlternateName As New SqlMetaData("Alternate Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000)

    Dim colSize As New SqlMetaData("Size", SqlDbType.BigInt)

    Dim colCreationDate As New SqlMetaData("Creation Date", SqlDbType.NChar, 8)

    Dim colCreationTime As New SqlMetaData("Creation Time", SqlDbType.NChar, 6)

    Dim colLastWrittenDate As New SqlMetaData("Last Written Date", SqlDbType.NChar, 8)

    Dim colLastWrittenTime As New SqlMetaData("Last Written Time", SqlDbType.NChar, 6)

    Dim colLastAccessedDate As New SqlMetaData("Last Accessed Date", SqlDbType.NChar, 8)

    Dim colLastAccessedTime As New SqlMetaData("Last Accessed Time", SqlDbType.NChar, 6)

    Dim colAttributes As New SqlMetaData("Attributes", SqlDbType.Int)

    Dim record As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData() {colAlternateName, colSize, colCreationDate, colCreationTime, colLastWrittenDate, colLastWrittenTime, _

    colLastAccessedDate, colLastAccessedTime, colAttributes})

    record.SetInt64(1, fileProperties.Length)

    record.SetString(2, fileProperties.CreationTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

    record.SetString(3, fileProperties.CreationTime.ToString("HHmmss"))

    record.SetString(4, fileProperties.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

    record.SetString(5, fileProperties.LastWriteTime.ToString("HHmmss"))

    record.SetString(6, fileProperties.LastAccessTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

    record.SetString(7, fileProperties.LastAccessTime.ToString("HHmmss"))

    Dim splitter As Char() = {","c}

    Dim attributes As String() = fileProperties.Attributes.ToString().Split(splitter)

    Dim attributesInt__1 As Integer = 0

    For Each attributesString As String In attributes

    Dim fileAttributes As FileAttributes = DirectCast([Enum].Parse(GetType(FileAttributes), attributesString), FileAttributes)

    attributesint += CInt(fileAttributes)


    record.SetInt32(8, attributesInt__1)

    record.SetInt32(8, CInt(fileProperties.Attributes))


    Catch myexception As Exception

    Throw (myexception)

    End Try

    End Sub

    End Class

    End Namespace


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