Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Run same SQL or Stored Proc for multiple databases RE: Run same SQL or Stored Proc for multiple databases

  • you can do the following:

    use master

    declare @dbname varchar(100)

    ,@sql varchar(max)

    create table #TempDBs (

    dbname nvarchar(100)

    , RecordCount int


    declare db_cur cursor for

    SELECT name

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid>4

    open db_cur

    fetch next from db_cur into @dbname

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @sql='insert into #TempDbs(




    select '''+@dbname+''' DbName, COUNT(*) count FROM '+@dbname+'.dbo.MyLeads WHERE active = 1'


    fetch next from db_cur into @dbname


    close db_cur

    deallocate db_cur

    select * from #TempDBs order by DbName

    drop table #TempDBs

    To make the results cleaner, I inserted into a temp table, then queried the temp table.