• ComputerFieldsInc (9/15/2011)

    Great article, and great responses. I'm a developer on a team working on a redesign of a Visual FoxPro application. Initially the project scope will focus on migrating the VFP data to SQL Server along with redesigning the VFP app to use SQL as the backend. Then a new .NET app will be built to replace the VFP app.

    One of the topics that comes up frequently in our discussions is touched on by this article... namely:

    "How can we know what the parent/child/grandchild id's are so we can pre-populate PK/FK fields before we start a transaction?"

    The diagram in the article seems to address this, and to me also seems to throw transactions out the door. Is this normal? After persisting the parent, and retrieving the PK, what happens if/when child records cannot be persisted and we need to roll back to a state prior to the parent being persisted?

    Our existing VFP app has a "key generator" function that increments an integer value stored in an "id table" which is just a table with an integer field. Since the database is always local to the app (on a LAN), performance is fine.

    But, with our redesign, we will be migrating multiple geographically dispersed VFP databases into a single SQL Server instance, and now WAN and Internet latency will become a factor. I can see that repeated calls to either a SP to retrieve an ID value, or repeated calls to retrieve auto-incremented identity values, might become a performance bottleneck.

    Why are GUID's so bad? As long as they're not used as meaningful ID's (I.E. something people need to read and understand as part of the data) who cares how ugly they are? What realistic performance issues are there in SQL Server with GUID's?

    If someone can point me to resources documenting why GUID's are bad for SQL Server, it would help us.

    Again, great article, and thoughtful responses. Thank you.

    For why GUID's are bad for SQL Server you should start at Kimberly Tripp's blog. Here's a link, http://sqlskills.com/BLOGS/KIMBERLY/category/GUIDs.aspx. The top blog post on the link is the second so scroll down and read the bottom post first.

    It's no so much that GUID's are bad, but more about how you use them. They use more space than most applications really need which means fewer rows fit on a page which means more reads and IO is typically the biggest performance problem.