• This thread just confirms my deep suspicion that all data people are crazy. I park my bum on the chair in my home office these days, but used to drive a yellow 1974 VW Beetle called Buttercup. At one client I always parked her in my favourite spot (on the roof of the parking garage, where she could have a nice view, and I couldn't forget which floor I'd parked on), and it got me into trouble:

    One Friday evening I left the building just before 6, it was raining a bit, and just as I got to Buttercup my cellphone rang – it was a friend and colleague called Helen calling with a query about something at another client, where I had also done some work. As best as I can remember, it went something like this:

    Helen: Hi, etc

    Me: how are you, etc,

    i.e. pleasantries exchanged

    Helen: Are you still at work by any chance?

    Me: No, I’m on the roof but I can talk – but let me get into the car because it’s raining and I’m getting wet.

    Deathly hush.


    Helen (tentatively): What are you doing on the roof?

    Me (puzzled): I’m getting into the car.

    Helen (very tentatively): The car? Which car?

    Me (more puzzled): Buttercup, of course!

    Helen (with great caution - I think she was trying to keep me calm): Buttercup is on the roof? Are you sort of planning to, like, ….float down?

    Me (with equally great caution - I was trying to keep her calm): Well, I suppose I could but I usually go down the ramp.

    Helen (extremely tentatively): The ramp?....

    Me: (even more puzzled): Yes, at the parking garage.

    Helen: starts shrieking with uncontrollable laughter. Clearly a psychotic break.

    Me: What? What?

    Helen (with great difficulty, still gurgling): You mean that roof!!!

    Then the penny dropped on both sides and it took us about 15 minutes of howling, shrieking and rib-clutching to recover.

    Do the people with the white coats offer bulk discounts, by any chance…..?