• Shark Energy (7/22/2011)

    Am I doing this wrong? (QotD) Even if its a subject I don't know about I try and come up with an answer as its a test of my knowledge. I don't look up the answers beforehand.

    Does everyone else treat them like a real life scenario at work where you books online anything you dont know?

    Some consider it cheating to look up answer but I tell interviewers that I know how to get the information if I don't know it off the top of my head.

    One can't know everything. The skill to research and find solutions is as valuable as knowing the answer. If I don't know an interview question I always explain how I would find it. In DBI (days before internet) I knew which hard copy manual had the answer. Today, it's about knowing where to look on the WWW. Of course, in an interview, if 80% of your answers are "I'll look it up", you're not qualified for the job. 😉

    It's more how you look at these QotD's. I don't consider the points to be of value. I really don't care about them. QotD's are a valuable tool to learn. At least to me.