• I already have code that searches for the column in procs, indexes, and UDFs. My concern is for other objects, such as constraints and primary keys, or rather any other type of object that will cause the field expansion to fail. This is how I came up with the index code. I did not think these fields were indexed in the various DBs so I generated change code for the expansion and when deployment ran it they received a failure because one of the fields participated in an index, and SQL Server would not expand it.

    Once I had created the index code I thought about the fact that there could be other types of objects having dependencies on the column so I began researching how to find out what they are. Looks at scripts and articles from here, sys.sql_dependencies, sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities, sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities and the actual code of sp_depends has not given me what I believe I need to get a complete picture of dependencies on each column.

    That was the point where I decided to post the question here.



    Learning something new on every visit to SSC. Hoping to pass it on to someone else.