• HI,

    I am struck in the following query and want to know how to improve its performance for 2 mn records.

    SELECT [1].areabuilding,


    [2].bldgscheme as bldgscheme_dvt,[2].bldgclass as bldgclass_dvt,[2].bldgclasstier1 as bldgclass_dvttier1,[2].bldgdesc as bldgdescdvt,




    [5].flagname as flagFilter,

    [6].flagname as insflag,

    [7].flagname as Singleoccupancyflag,




    FROM migration_db.DBO.fact_process7_10 a

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimareabuilding [1]

    ON isnull(a.areabuildingid,1)=[1].areabuildingID


    migration_db.dbo.dimbldgclass [2]

    ON isnull(a.bldgclassdvtid,1)=[2].bldgclassID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimbldgclass [3]

    ON isnull(a.bldgclassid,1)=[3].bldgclassID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimcflag [4]

    ON isnull(a.cflagid,1)=[4].cflagID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimflag [5]

    ON isnull(a.flagid,1)=[5].flagID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimflag [6]

    ON isnull(a.Insflagid,1)=[6].flagID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimflag [7]

    ON isnull(a.Singleoccupancyid,1)=[7].flagID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimnumstories [8]

    ON isnull(a.numstoriesid,1)=[8].numstoriesID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimoccupancy [9]

    ON isnull(a.occupancyid,1)=[9].occupancyID

    INNER JOIN migration_db.dbo.dimyear [10]

    ON isnull(a.yearid,1)=[10].yearID

    The following are null value counts :

    Insflagid --- 1532677

    Singleoccupancyid --732556

    cflagid --1223643

    flagid --1933134

    Please suggest.




    MCITP Database developer SQL 2008,MCTS Database Administration SQL 2008
    "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
    You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”