• andycao (6/16/2011)

    "Do you want a Yugo, a Buick, or a Porsche?" I use that when the business asks for a quick, but potentially long-living database application. Then I explain you can do simply collect the information in Excel, or get some querying capability in MS Access, or wait a little longer and a get a top-of-line fast-running, scalable, maintainable solution on SQL Server.

    A Toyota Corola isn't as fast as a Porsche or as cheap as Yugo, but it is reliable, has plenty of legg room, and comes equipped with the standard options. If I had to compare the databases I design to a car, that's what it would be; a Corola.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho