• Mhlewis (5/27/2011)

    We've had to use cursors in generating notification emails using sp_send_dbmail. We have a list of 5 account execs that get notified when their data is loaded and ready for them to review. I'd love a set based version of sp_send_dbmail.

    This is a bit rough... without tables, I just wrote the basic gist here.

    But, this will generate a huge dynamic sql statement that will send all the emails at once.

    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)


    @SQL = COALESCE(@SQL + N'; EXEC sp_send_dbmail @Recipients = ''' + @recipientlist + ''',@body = ''Email body'',@subject = ''Subject''',N'; EXEC sp_send_dbmail @Recipients = ''' + @recipientlist + ''',@body = ''Email body'',@subject = ''Subject''')



    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

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