• calvo (5/19/2011)

    Perhaps a little explanation as to what the script does or how it does it. Might be helpful for those that are not familiar with these operations.

    My apologies to everyone. It seems that my post was having issues and the description is not showing up.

    The script will show the information of the accounts that are in active directory (Windows Authentication). You can modify the code to just show users that you are interested.

    Below is the information about the AD logins produced:

    Account is Disabled

    Account Locked Out

    Entered Bad Password

    No Password is Required

    Password CANNOT Change


    Disabled Account

    Server Trusted Account for Delegation

    Trusted Account for Delegation

    Enabled, User Cannot Change Password

    Password Never Expires

    Account will Never Expire

    Enabled and Does NOT expire Paswword

    Normal Account, Password will not expire and Currently Disabled

    Account Enabled, Password does not expire, currently Locked out

    Password has Expired

    Hope this help,

