• litsonjose,

    I've not used the GPG tool specifically - when I need command line en/decryption, I've used PGP in the past. However, on the PGP command line there is a text prompt that you must confirm the first time you use the executable, and this must be done at the user level (a prompt to add the key to the cache, if I'm not mistaken). There was a "silent mode" that would suppress this prompt and continue execution.

    Since the command line app works under your login but not as a scheduled job, I suspect that your problem is probably similar to what I found with PGP. Look in the GPG product documentation or help commands to see if there is a silent mode to suppress prompts. Alternatively, you might log into the server as the account that executes the job and try to run the command line app manually - you may be able to override the prompt there.



    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant
    TimMitchell.net | @Tim_Mitchell | Tyleris.com
    ETL Best Practices