• Paul Randal (5/13/2011)

    Steve - I got this wrong because your wording is broken. Extents can NOT be owned by multiple objects. When an extent is a mixed extent, it is 'owned' by the allocation system - technically object ID 99. The individual pages are owned by multiple objects, but none of the objects own the extent.

    Thank you Paul! I thought I was a little crazy for having that thought when I first read the question. The question made me think that somehow ownership of the whole mixed extent might somehow be "shared" by multiple objects and I was puzzling over how that might be true. Guess I have not gone through enough MCM reading material yet...

    Great comment and a great question and discussion! As always, the more controversial the QOTD, the better I like it as it really opens the topic up.

    Peter Trast
    Microsoft Certified ...(insert many literal strings here)
    Microsoft Design Architect with Alexander Open Systems