• One of the most important things I have done is to create and maintain a LinkedIn presence. I get so many inquiries because of that site. I have my ACTUAL job experience and resume information. You would be surprised how many recruiters are looking there. Even with my relatively low experience (compared to the people who frequent this site) I regularly get called for decent and even some high end positions. So there is definitely a web marketing aspect but just be as honest as you can. Many people over or undersell themselves.

    Certs help ALOT, too. While many people have more experience than I do, having alot of certs usually indicates someone who is getting "book" educated on the technology. I cannot tell you how many experienced DBA's I have met who are unaware of the available feature sets of the newest version, and even some older ones. While experience gives you the most valuable knowledge, that does not negate book knowledge and many HR people agree. In the end, you have to interview and do the work so no shortcuts on certifying.

    Many people will disagree with me about certs, but they work well IF you can back them up with real skills.

    Peter Trast
    Microsoft Certified ...(insert many literal strings here)
    Microsoft Design Architect with Alexander Open Systems