• The way I figure it, if I need the tools I need the tools. The choice then is not so much between MS and third-party, but between my code and someone else's. Viewed in that light, it's a no-brainer 🙂 I might start my search with MS, but I certainly never restrict the search to MS. There is just too much good software out there to ignore.

    As far as support is concerned, I've never had a problem with finger-pointing when MS is involved. Sure, both sides might initially start out that way, but it's never stayed that way for long. Any time I've needed support where the fault was ambiguous, MS has always acknowledged the possibility that the problem could be at their end and done enough work to prove where the fault lies. If it's on their side, they apologize and work through to a solution. If it's not, they provide enough documentation, data, and test cases that the other party can't reasonably refuse responsibility. And in one case in the early days of Terminal Server, MS even worked with the other party to sort out the problem.