• UMG Developer (4/5/2011)

    CirquedeSQLeil (4/5/2011)

    UMG Developer (4/5/2011)

    How many people actually use the ODBC date literals?

    I think very few in comparison.

    Yeah, I think the number of people answering correctly shows that. (Currently 33% of the 24 people that have answered.)

    I would have to agree that using the ODBC date literals is "Old School" in a bad way.

    I had a project back in the late 90's that had to show dates in Cannadian and US format.

    We used the second format to transfer the dates as strings from the UI to SQL and back.

    This yyyyddmm string format tested on SQL 7 and SQL 2000 as being 50% faster during a load.

    I tested today when I saw the question and it still round trip faster to format the date as string in the yyyyddmm format and pass to SQL for Multilaguage and Multiformat support. Formating as string YYYY-dd-mm and doing a cast using ODBC date literals just takes longer.