• Hi David,

    Sorry i could not be of more use, i fear this problem lies deep within the SQL event logging binaries, i couldn't find no reference of 32040 etc within the master or msdb databases (by scripting out all objects and data), which would imply the event ID's are defined within assemblies or binaries.

    Let me know what you find out, this issue is indeed annoying and many on Connect are waiting for the same solution.



    EDIT: I have submitted a revised script (you may need to wait for it to be approved) to address the issues raised here. The new version is far more intelligent:

    - it will create the operator (make sure you enter the correct email address)

    - it will create an SP to collate Mirror Status Info and send via email in HTML (usp_dbmmonitorresults_EmailMode)

    - it will create a Job that will be ran when the Threshold alerts fire (Job: [DBM: Email Mirror Status])

    - the threshold alerts are now created just the once, and not for each database. When the threshold alerts run, they will auto run the job mentioned above.

    - Install is all automated from job creation and Alert to Job linking etc - just run it on the msdb after replacing "XXXXX@YYYY.COM" with your email address

    Knock Knock, Who's There?, sp underscore, sp underscore who?
    spid1, spid2, spid3....