• Hugo Kornelis (3/24/2011)

    A good question. It would have been a great question if the author had not forgotten to specify the version - Powershell is not supported in SQL Server 2005, so that might cause some incorrect replies.

    It was a nice touch to indicate the number of answers that has to be checked. Though this makes it easier as well - since there were only five options, I knew I had the correct answer as soon as I identified the one incorrect option. Would it not have been simpler to ask us to check the option that is NOT a job step and require only a single answer?

    I hope to see more questions from this contributor.

    Ah, that explains it. If it didn't say "Select Four," I would have gotten the question wrong because I frequently create Steps in Jobs have never seen "Powershell" or "Reporting Services Report Subscriptions" options so I would have only selected 3. I use 2005 and had to look this one up before answering to find the proper 4th option.