• I quickly reviewed a bunch of stuff and have some notes, though I won't go into detail as I have limited time:

    Review both instances for updating to the most current SQL Server SP, and possibly CU.

    Instance 1:

    A lot of growth rates are 10% or 1MB (Review and set for each DB/file)

    SQLServerCentral_Data file is limited to 10,000.0 MB and it is over 50% of that size, is that limit what you want?

    tempDB: Has testing indicated that you actually need 8 data files?

    ips_notifications_log size: 0.0MB?

    Instance 2:

    tempDB: Has testing indicated that you actually need 8 data files?

    Simple-Talk DB: Compatibility level: 80 (Is that needed?)

    Simple-Talk_Log Size: 12,908.0 (4x the size of the data file?)

    apps_excuse DB: Compatibility level: 80 (Is that needed?), change page_verify to CHECKSUM

    apps_prettifier DB: Compatibility level: 80 (Is that needed?), change page_verify to CHECKSUM

    sqlMonitor22 DB: autogrowth: 1GB, log size: 46GB? (Almost 8x the size of the data file?)